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Matcha vs Moringa Powder: Comparison

Published: July 20, 2018

Matcha or Moringa

Matcha and moringa powder have many things in common: both powders are made from dried leaves and have a beautiful green color, both have been associated with a number of health benefits, and both are surprisingly versatile in terms of culinary uses. If you want to learn more about the similarities, and differences, between matcha and moringa, keep reading – in this article we will compare matcha and moringa in terms of a number of attributes including flavor, caffeine content, culinary uses, health benefits, price and availability.


Made by taking the entire leaf of premium green tea and grinding it into a fine powder, matcha has an earthy, slightly grassy taste and a slightly sweet aftertaste. When used as an ingredient in foods rather than as a base for a drink, the taste of matcha becomes much subtler. Like matcha, moringa powder has an earthy flavor, somewhat similar to that of spinach powder.

Caffeine Content

All forms of green tea, including matcha, contain caffeine. And, because matcha is made from crushed whole tea leaves, the caffeine content of matcha is somewhat higher than of green tea made by steeping a tea bag in hot water. Moringa, by contrast, is naturally caffeine-free. However, because of the unique combination of energizing nutrients it contains, also moringa can give you a boost of energy.

Health Benefits

The preparation of matcha involves protecting the tea plants from direct sunlight for three weeks prior to harvest, a procedure that stimulates the production of chlorophyll and the amino acid l-theanine in the tea leaves. These two compounds, along with catechins, appear to be responsible for many of the potential health benefits of matcha, including stress relief, protection against pre-mature aging, and a reduced risk of developing some types of cancer. The potential health benefits of moringa, by contrast, include anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-diabetic properties, improved weight loss, and protection against cancer and some inflammatory conditions. These benefits have been attributed to compounds like isothiocyanates and the exceptionally high nutrient content of moringa leaves.

Culinary Uses

One of the easiest ways to use moringa powder it is to mix it with hot water to make moringa tea. Other ways to incorporate moringa leaf powder into your diet include sneaking it into green smoothies, pureed soups, omelets, sauces, and salad dressings. Like moringa powder, matcha can be used both as a basis for a hot drink and as an ingredient in savory as well as some sweet dishes.

Price and Availability

High-quality matcha from Japan is known to be very expensive because the production of matcha powder requires a lot of time and work. Ounce for ounce, moringa powder is typically much cheaper than matcha. Both powders can be purchased at many health food stores as well as online. Those who like to shop on Amazon may want to check out Encha's Premium Matcha Powder which is not only ceremonial-grade but also USDA certified organic. Want to buy moringa instead? Then check out Zen Principle's Moringa Powder which one of the most popular moringa powders on Amazon.

Matcha newbies, take note: you can save 20% on the Kenko matcha set with the promo code 20TEASET on Amazon, through 12/28 while supplies last. This set comes with about 1 oz of organic ceremonial matcha, hand-made ceramic bowl, bamboo whisk, ceramic whisk holder, and matcha scoop.