Stomach Cancer Prevention: Foods to Eat
Learn how you can prevent and fight stomach cancer by eating the right foods – here's a list of some of the best foods to eat for stomach cancer prevention. And the best thing is, not only are these healing foods bursting with anti-cancer nutrients, they are also packed with flavor!
Once you've got familiar with the super-foods listed below, be sure to check out our collection of stomach cancer fighting recipes which feature some of the best foods you can eat to prevent stomach cancer.
#1: Garlic
In traditional folk medicine, garlic has been used as a cure for a wide range of health problems, but now also the scientific community is starting to recognize garlic's healing powers. Scientists have found garlic to be effective at promoting heart and cardiovascular health and at preventing and treating cancer, including stomach cancer. In one study with 40 healthy individuals, the participants were first given a meal designed to produce high levels of nitrosamines, chemicals that have been associated with an increased risk of stomach cancer. The participants then received either 300 grams (10 ounces) of strawberries, 75 grams (2.6 ounces) of garlic juice, 200 grams (7 ounces) of kale juice, or no special supplementation. Strawberries, garlic, and kale each inhibited the production of nitrosamines, but the effect was most pronounced with garlic: 96% reduction in nitrosamine formation compared to the placebo group (the strawberries reduced nitrosamine formation by 72% and the kale juice by 44%).
#2: Organic Celery
Celery provides vitamin C and vitamin E, a stellar nutrition combo for fighting stomach cancer. But the anti-cancer properties of celery do not end there. In fact, celery is known to contain at least eight families of cancer-combating compounds. It is a great source of phthalides, a class of bioactive chemical compounds that seem to act as effective chemopreventive agents. It also contains acetylenics and phenolic acids, which have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumor cells. When buying celery, it is important to opt for organically-grown produce because conventionally-grown celery typically contains very high levels of contaminants, including chlorothalonil which is believed to be carcinogenic.
#3: Turmeric
Turmeric, which lends its yellow color to Indian curries, has long been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat a wide range of conditions and diseases. In recent years, also western medicine has started to pay attention to this powerful root plant. Studies show that turmeric has several properties that can make it a valuable addition to your diet if you want to reduce your odds of developing stomach cancer. It has been shown to induce apoptosis, a process that triggers the self-destruction of cancerous cells, without damaging healthy cells. In addition, turmeric contains strong antioxidant compounds and may be able to prevent nitrosamine formation and inhibit aflatoxin production, both of which have been associated with an increased risk of cancer.
Related Reading: 10 Health Benefits of Turmeric Powder.
#4: Green Tea
The weight loss promoting effects of green tea are legendary, but the health benefits of green tea are not limited to weight loss benefits. A substantial body of evidence suggests that green tea may also help prevent many types of cancer, including stomach cancer. In vitro experiments indicate that green tea can inhibit nitrification in the body, a reaction that has been linked to stomach cancer and esophagus cancer. But the stomach cancer combating activities of green tea do not end there. Green tea has also been shown to be extremely effective at protecting cells against DNA damage caused by free radicals. What's more, green tea has been shown to suppress urokinase, an enzyme that is thought to play a key role in cancer cell metastasis (spreading). When buying green tea, choose loose tea leaves instead of tea bags. The release of catechins, the compounds that are responsible for most of green tea's anti-cancer activity, is better from loose leaves. You may also want to add a bit of lemon juice or other vitamin C rich juice to your tea – research indicates that vitamin C can increase the amount of catechins available for the body to absorb.
#5: Broccoli Sprouts
Broccoli sprouts are a great addition to your diet if you want to supercharge your anti-cancer diet. A study conducted in Japan found that test subjects who added fresh broccoli sprouts to their diet for two months had lower levels of Helicobacteri pylori (H. pylori) than the control group who ate alfalfa sprouts. Helicobacteri pylori (H. pylori) is believed to be a major factor in the development of stomach cancer. Available at many health food stores and grocery stores, broccoli sprouts make a great addition to salads, soups, salsa-topped dishes, and sandwiches.
#6: Arugula
While extremely low in calories, this aromatic salad green is loaded with health-promoting phytochemicals and vitamins, and studies suggest it may help reduce the risk of certain cancers, including stomach cancer. Arugula, or rocket salad as it is called in some countries, is an exceptionally good source of glucosinolates. When arugula is chewed, the glucosinolates turn into isothiocyanates — with the help of an enzyme called myrosinase. Isothiocyanates have been shown to neutralize carcinogens and inhibit cancer cell proliferation. Arugula is also rich in chlorophyll, a plant pigment with strong anti-cancer properties. What's more, this little superhero vegetables is a great source of vitamin C and beta-carotene (it contains about five times the amount of vitamin C and beta-carotene found in iceberg lettuce).
#7: Carrots
Most people know that carrots are good for vision, but did you know that they are also an excellent anti-cancer vegetable? In addition to providing plenty of beta-carotene and vitamin C, carrots contain falcarinol, a natural compound that has been shown to inhibit the development of cancer. Researchers found that rats that had pre-cancerous tumors and that were fed carrots were one third less likely to develop full-scale tumors than the animals in the control group. To get the most anti-cancer benefits from carrots, eat your carrots slightly steamed. Steaming will improve the availability of beta-carotene contained in carrots. Further, it is advisable to keep the carrots whole during steaming and chop them only afterwards; this helps the vegetables retain falcarinol. One study found that carrots that were boiled before cutting contained 25% more falcarinol than carrots that were cut before cooking.
Continue (Foods 8-14)