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Green Smoothie with Romaine Lettuce and Frozen Banana

Yields about 3.5 cups

One of the easiest ways to incorporate more greens into your diet is to make green smoothies, which are essentially fruit smoothies featuring leafy green vegetables. While there are many vegetables that can be used to add green goodness to these health-boosting concoctions, the best green smoothie ingredients for the novice are those that have the mildest flavor. The nutrient-dense but mild-tasting romaine lettuce, for example, can be blended with almost any fruit, and the result will be truly delicious!

In this vegan smoothie, romaine lettuce is paired with frozen banana which lends sweetness and texture to the blend and eliminates the need to use ice cubes. For best results, use a ripe banana — ripe bananas are much sweeter and more flavorful than their unripe counterparts, plus they are easier to digest.

In addition to romaine lettuce and banana, this smoothie recipe also calls for apples, which add even more sweetness to the blend, and baobab fruit powder, which adds a nice exotic twist, along with a ton of vitamin C!

Tip: If you are having trouble finding baobab powder in the health food stores in your area, not to worry—you can always buy baobab powder online!

Green Smoothie with Banana and Romaine


  • 1 ripe banana, peeled, sliced and frozen
  • 2 small green apples
  • 2 cups romaine lettuce
  • 1 tsp baobab powder
  • 1 cup (or more) cold water


  • Place the frozen banana slices in a high-powered blender, and let them thaw for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, wash, core and dice the apples, and rinse the romaine lettuce.
  • Add the diced apples and romaine lettuce to the blender, along with the baobab powder and 1 cup of water. Secure the lid, and puree until smooth.
  • Check the consistency. If the smoothie is too thick to your liking, add a bit more water, and blend for a few more seconds.

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Simple Green SmoothiesJen Hansard and Jadah Sellner are on a mission to help busy people establish healthy habits that are easy to stick with. Their favorite tip? Drink one green smoothie a day! To help you get started, Hansard and Sellner have put together 300-page collection of exciting green smoothie recipes that address everything from weight loss to healthy skin to kid-friendly options. To learn more about this inspiring book, head to Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.ca.
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