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Guide to Lung Cancer & Nutrition: How to Fight Lung Cancer Naturally

Your one-stop source for information on the optimal diet, the top 13 foods, and the best recipes for preventing your risk of developing lung cancer.

The best way to fight lung cancer naturally is to prevent the development of this serious disease in the first place. Worldwide, lung cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer. It has also one of the highest fatality rates of all cancers — only a fourth of patients are still alive after more than one year after diagnosis.

The purpose of this online Guide to Lung Cancer and Nutrition is to provide you with information and tips on how you can reduce your risk of developing lung cancer naturally through dietary choices and nutritional modification.

If you are new to this guide, start by reading the paragraphs below. Otherwise, you can directly move to one of three main sections of this Guide to Nutrition & Lung Cancer:

  1. Optimal Diet
  2. Top 13 Foods
  3. Best Recipes

Lung cancer develops when cells in the lungs begin to grow in an uncontrolled manner. Instead of undergoing a normal cell death (process called apoptosis), the lung cancer cells outlive normal cells, invade adjacent tissues, and often spread to other parts of the body via lymph (in a process called metastasis). The cancerous cells eventually form a tumor.

Although anyone can develop lung cancer, smokers are much more likely to get them. An estimated 80% of lung cancer cases can be attributed to tobacco smoking. Non-smokers who inhale the smoke of others (called passive smoking or second hand smoke) are also at increased risk. Furthermore, exposure to certain carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substances — such as asbestos, radon, arsenic, and coal products — in the workplace or at home can increase the risk of lung cancer. A medical history of tuberculosis and some types of pneumonia as well as a family history of lung cancer may also predispose to lung cancer. Furthermore, certain dietary habits may increase the risk of developing the disease. On the other hand, other dietary factors may play a key role in the prevention of lung cancer. To learn more about dietary factors that may have an impact on a person's risk of developing lung cancer, continue to page Lung Cancer Prevention: Top 10 Diet Tips.