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Almond Oil: Nutrition Facts and Calorie Count

Almond oil nutrition facts

Almond oil is loaded with calories. So what's the good news? Almond oil can also boost your health by supplying your body with a bunch of interesting nutrients. Almond oil contains more vitamin E than most other nut oils, and it is an excellent source of phytosterols and unsaturated fatty acids. It is a particularly good source of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) which may help protect cardiovascular health when cnsumed in moderation. If you're interested in getting more in-depth information about the nutritional profile and caloric value of foodgrade almond oil, then keep reading.

If you scroll down to the bottom of this page you'll also find a handy nutrient data chart for almond oil. The nutrition facts chart contains values for the most common macronutrients (e.g. fatty acids, protein, and carbohydrates) as well as for micronutrients that are abundant in almond oil.

How many calories does a tablespoon of almond oil provide?

Be careful when using almond oil in your culinary creations if you're trying to lose excess weight by restricting the amount of calories in your diet. On a macronutrient level, almond oil is composed almost entirely of fatty acids, and fat is the king of high-calorie nutrients (in case you missed the memo: 1 gram of pure fat equals 9 calories). Hundred grams of almond oil delivers a staggering 884 calories. In tablespoons, that's about 120 calories per spoon, or 6% of your daily energy requirements!

Is almond oil rich in unsaturated fats?

Almond oil is an excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) which may offer protection against heart disease and even type 2 diabetes, when consumed in moderation. When using almond oil, keep in mind that the MUFAs it contains can turn rancid during storage. Not only does rancid almond oil taste awful, but it can also harm your body (see Is Eating Rancid Oil Bad for Your Health?). To safeguard the nutritional value of your food, never purchase almond oil that's approaching its best-before date. Be also sure to throw away any almond oil that tastes rancid.

Does almond oil offer vitamins?

Almond oil delivers a truckload of vitamin E. In fact, with 5.3 milligrams of vitamin E per one tablespoon, almond oil is one of the best food sources of vitamin E. This vital nutrient is a potent antioxidant, and it works synergistically with other antioxidants, such as vitamin C, to protect your body by destroying free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that have been linked to many degenerative diseases including cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Exposure to oxygen and light destroys vitamin E in almond oil, so you want to store your almond oil bottle out of sunlight and away from heat. You should also make sure that the bottle is always sealed with a cap when it is not in use.

Does almond contain any other nutrients or phytochemicals?

Almond oil is also an excellent source of cholesterol-lowering phytosterols. It is a particularly good source of β-sitosterol, but it has also been reported to contain trace amounts of stigmasterol and campesterol.

Chart: Calorie Count and Nutrition Facts

Nutritional information

Nutrition facts for almond oil are provided per 1 tablespoon (13.5 grams or 119 calories) in the chart below. The nutrition facts provided below include both the absolute amounts and the percent daily values for the covered nutrients.

NutrientAmount per Tbsp (13.5g)% Daily ValueComment
Water 0 g 0 %
Protein 0 g 0 %
Fat 13.5 g 21% 66% monounsaturated, 26% polyunsaturated and 8% saturated fatty acids
Cholesterol 0 g 0 %
Carbohydrates 0 g 0 %
Fiber 0 g 0 %
Phytosterols 35.9 mg NA Mainly β-sitosterol
Vitamin E 5.3 mg 26 % One of the best dietary sources of vitamin E
Vitamin K 0.9 mcg 1 %
Other vitamins 0 mg 0 %

The amounts in the nutrition facts table above are based on data provided by the USDA. The table is not comprehensive, i.e. almond oil may also contain other nutrients and phytochemicals not included in the chart. The Daily Values are based on recommendations for a 2,000 calorie reference diet. Your actual daily needs for various nutrients may be different depending on your calorie needs.

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Healthy Oil Cookbook
Almond oil and other healthy alternatives to processed cooking oils are a hot topic these days, but not everyone knows how to choose and use all these healthy oils. That's where The Big Book of Healthy Cooking Oils by cooking instructor Lisa Howard comes in. This extraordinary guide and cookbook with more than 85 recipes showcases the different attributes of each oil's distinct flavor, ideal cooking temperature and beneficial nutrients. Available from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca & Amazon.co.uk.
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