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Psoriasis and Hidden Food Allergies

Psoriasis and Allergies

Although the concept of hidden food allergies remains controversial, many experts believe that identification and avoidance of the trigger foods is an effective way to treat a number of diseases and conditions, including psoriasis. Also known as food intolerances or sensitivities, hidden food allergies differ from true food allergies in that the symptoms are often delayed by many hours or even several days, which makes these types of adverse reactions difficult to identify. What's more, like true food allergies, hidden food allergies are not necessarily mediated by the Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody, which is why many experts actually prefer to use the term food intolerance (or food sensitivity) when talking about these types of adverse reactions. [1]

How to Uncover Hidden Food Allergies That May Be Causing Your Psoriasis Flare-Ups

One of the most effective ways to find out if certain foods are causing or aggravating your psoriasis is to complete an elimination diet. During an elimination diet, psoriasis patients avoid all of the most common allergenic and psoriasis-triggering foods such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, pineapple, nuts, dairy products and foods that contain gluten. A good elimination diet for psoriasis patients also emphasizes foods that help heal the gut (this is important because a condition called "leaky gut", or abnormal intestinal permeability, has been linked to psoriasis) [2, 3].

After avoiding all suspected trigger foods for a period of time, usually three to four weeks, the psoriasis patient can start adding the suspect foods back into the diet, one food or food group at a time, while watching for reactions. It is best to start this phase with the least common offenders, and to allow at least three days before reintroducing the next one so the patient is able to notice any changes in how his or her skin reacts to the food. After testing every potential trigger food, the patient should have a good understanding of his or her hidden allergies.

The Importance of Seeking Help from a Specialist

Before using an elimination diet to find out if hidden food allergies are causing your psoriasis flare-ups, it is wise to seek advice from a medical doctor or a certified dietitian or nutritionist. Cutting out a wide range of foods for a long period time means you might not be getting enough nutrients from a sufficient variety of foods, and that's where a professional can help. What's more, a knowledgeable nutritionist or dietitian can design a sustainable, personalized anti-psoriasis diet for you after your have uncovered your hidden food allergies.

For More on Diet & Psoriasis
Make it a habit to visit HealWithFood.org's online Guide to Healing Psoriasis on a regular basis. Updated once a week, the sidebar on the home page of the guide contains tons of links to interesting diet-related articles hand-picked for psoriasis sufferers. It also contains a weekly smoothie recipe featuring ingredients with psoriasis-fighting potential, as well as a book tip.     Visit Page

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Drawing upon cutting-edge research and her own battle with autoimmunity, scientist and New York Times bestselling author Sarah Ballantyne has developed a Paleo-based elimination diet specifically designed for people with autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis. Outlined in her book The Paleo Approach, Ballantyne's diet not only cuts out allergenic and pro-inflammatory foods but it also emphasizes foods that help heal tissues damaged by autoimmunity. In addition to explaining how eating certain foods and avoiding others can help put autoimmune diseases into remission, this 400-plus page tome provides expert tips on how to "go Paleo" easily and economically. To learn more, or to order a copy, click here.

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