Smoothie and Drink Recipes for Healthy Hair
Want to learn how to blend yummy smoothies that are also packed with vitamins and minerals that promote strong, healthy hair? In this section, you can explore a bounty of hair health boosting smoothie/drink recipes that are loaded with nutrients like silica, vitamin C, vitamin B3, folate, copper, flavonoids and riboflavin.
Now, before you get your Vitamix or NutriBullet out and start mixing hair health promoting smoothies, you may want to check out the section Diet Tips for Healthy Hair and the section Best Foods for Healthy Hair Growth which offer general information about how your eating habits are linked to the health of your hair.
Green Tea and Pineapple Smoothie
Here's a super healthy recipe that pairs green tea with pineapple to create a delicious and highly nutritious smoothie to strengthen your hair.

Raspberry Banana Smoothie
This smoothie is literally bursting with flavor and nutrients. It is particularly rich in several nutrients that have been associated with healthy hair, including vitamin C, vitamin B3, folate, and copper.

Melon and Green Tea Smoothie
This thirst quenching smoothie is perfect for hot summer days. But it is also great for anyone who is longing for lustrous locks as it contains plenty of B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc, and beta-carotene.

Banana Cantaloupe Smoothie
The intriguing combination of buttermilk, banana and cantaloupe in this smoothie packs a powerful punch of nutrients that are particularly important for strong and healthy hair. These nutrients include beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate, to mention a few.

Refreshing Cucumber Smoothie with Probiotic Bacteria
Cucumber is an excellent source of silica. Silica is an important component of hair, and an adequate intake of silica is needed to prevent baldness and stimulate hair growth. The yoghurt in this smoothie provides you with plenty of riboflavin which is also needed for healthy hair.

Cucumber Honeydew Smoothie
Cucumber is an excellent source of silica. Silica is an important component of hair, and an adequate intake of silica is needed to prevent baldness and stimulate hair growth. The yoghurt in this smoothie provides you with plenty of riboflavin which is also needed for healthy hair. As an added bonus, this smoothie is super-easy to make: you just throw the ingredients into a high-powered blender such as Vitamix or NutriBullet, and blend until smooth.

Hot Chocolate with Almond Milk
Research suggests that dark, unsweetened cocoa powder is an excellent source of flavonoids such as catechins and procyanidins. These flavonoids have shown to exert strong antioxidant effects. However, these flavonoids lose much of their antioxidant power if cocoa is consumed together with dairy. In order to maximize the antioxidant properties of this drink, this recipe uses almond milk instead of cow's milk.

For more recipes that can help you maintain healthy hair, visit the main recipe directory of's Guide to Healthy Hair.