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AquaFarm: An Eco-Friendly Aquaponic Fish Tank & Herb Growing Kit

AquaFarm Fish Tank
AquaFarm fish tank and herb growing kit, available through Amazon.com,
Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.ca

Aquaponics, the use of aquatic animals (such as fish, snails or shrimp) and hydroponic gardening methods (which use nutrient-rich water in lieu of soil) to create closed-loop eco-systems that provide food, is an exciting environment-friendly way to produce food in places where space is at a premium. Large aquaponic gardens have been around for a while, but thanks to some innovative brains out there, you can now also have a fully functioning aquaponic eco-farm right in your kitchen, or living room.

Designed to fit on a table-top, Back to the Roots' AquaFarm V2 Kit combines a compact 3-gallon fish tank with a stylish herb tray for growing herbs and other small plants. Made in the USA where most of these eco-friendly indoor farms are sold, AquaFarm is also available in the UK and Canada.

Fish poop provides nutrients for the plants

The concept behind the aquaponic herb growing kit by Back to the Roots is nothing short of ingenious: The waste the fish produce in the fish tank is pumped through an inner tube into the grow tray that contains the plants' roots. Beneficial bacteria in the plants' roots break down the ammonia in the fish poop into nutrients that the plants on top can use as food. Ammonia is toxic to fish in large amounts, so by removing the ammonia from the water the plants help keep your fish happy. Win-win!

A fun way to teach kids how the eco-cycle works

Got kids at home? Setting up and maintaining Back to the Roots' AquaFarm is a fun and easy way to teach your kids how the eco system works: waste created by one species becomes another species food. Eco cycle lessons aside, getting your family an AquaFarm fish tank is also a great way to teach kids about responsibility and how to care for another living being.

What herbs and leafy greens can you grow in an AquaFarm?

Wheatgrass, which can be juiced to create healthy wheatgrass shots, and basil, which can be used to add flavor to everything from pasta dishes to salads, are among the easiest plants to grow in this aquaponic herb garden. Back to the Roots, the developer of this innovative fish tank and herb growing kit, also recommends arugula, parsley, cilantro, mint and mixed greens, if you get bored of wheatgrass and basil. However, if you're planning to grow bigger plants, or if you want to grow herbs aquaponically on a slightly larger scale, you might want to look for a bigger and more advanced aquaponic kit, such as Eco Life's Eco-Cycle kit.

Where to get this aquaponic fish tank and herb growing kit?

Can't wait to get one of these innovative fish tanks that also grow herbs? With a credit card and a few clicks, you can order an AquaFarm through Amazon here (if you live in the US) and have it shipped directly to your home. You can also buy this indoor eco-farm through Amazon's UK store here, or through Amazon's Canadian site here. By purchasing through the above links you can also help keep this site up and running as HealWithFood.org is part of Amazon's affiliate program, and may therefore receive a small commission on purchases made through these links.

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